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The situation of Menstruation

The issues surrounding menstruation are multiple. From the product access to the adequate sanitation facilities, menstruation also suffers from the lack of access to educational and informational material.

Every month, 1,8 person have to manage their period. At any given time, over 800 million  have their period . It is estimated that over half do not have access or can not afford menstrual hygiene product. 

At the same time, myths and taboos surrounding menstruation is a real issue. In South East Asia, studies show that up to 95% of girls did not know what was happening to them when they first had their period.

Some important figures 
500 million
1.7 million

women and girls do not have access or can not afford sanitary wear

of women in Nigeria lack adequate pricvacy for MHM

of girls in Macedonia have missed schools due to period poverty

women in France suffer from period poverty

To tackle this issue, it is important to look at both the menstrual hygiene managment by providing adequate products and facilities but as wellbroader factors that link menstruation to well-being, gender, education, empowerment, equity and rights.

Integrate MHM into your programs

Menstruation Health Management can use a cross-sectorial and interdisciplinary approach or be integrated into your WASH or SRH programs.


Our eco-friendly products garanties your beneficiaires to have access to high quality products at an affordable price. 


Our educative and informative tools  gives your team the tools to improve the knowledge and awareness on menstruation. They allow them to adress stigmas and taboos related to menstruation as well as to  improve the knowledge through the education of girls and boys.


By having the appropriate tools to manage their period with dignity and by knowing their body better, we empower girls and adress the taboos in the communities.







Make a long lasting impact


In her lifetime, a woman will use up to 16,000 pads or 4 menstrual cups. 

In Communities where waste management is a real issue, choosing reusable products allow to avoid unsafe disposal or reduce the cost of the management of latrines.   

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